Questions for people who frequent the gym...

I've been going to the gym every day for over a month now, and I have some questions to ask. These are listed in order of increasing importance, and are for the most part rhetorical.

10. Hart building rule makers: why did you try to kick me out for wearing my huskies shorts?

9. Boys: why do you always look at me with such disgust when I walk into your domain of the "real" weight room. You do this most when I am not accompanied by a male escort.

8. Mommies: why do you bring your little babies with you to the gym? I feel awful for those poor little babies in their little carriers crying their lungs out (probably because of the smell/noise/sights combination). It makes me sad.

7. Friends who I don't know that well: why do you always say hello and stop me to make small talk when I'm leaving the gym and covered in sweat?

6. Stupid boys: why do you always try to talk to me in the most unimaginative way possible? For example, the boy (neanderthal) who goes, "dude. you're really strong. how did you get that strong? you should teach me to be stronger." me: perplexed look on face... Please refer to number 5.

5. Did you miss the memo that iPod in means close your mouth and pretend that I'm not there?

4. Everyone: why do you talk to me when I'm on the elliptical? I mean really, can't you see that I can hardly breathe as it is?!?

3. Boys: why do you wear long white socks with your shorts? You think that we girls won't notice them if you scrunch them down real quick before you come in. Trust me, we notice.

2. Girls: why is it that you can't find a sports bra that fits you/controls your boobage? I mean, if I can find one that works, then you have absolutely no excuse. It's not attractive when you don't.

1. Gym Boy: why don't you ever talk to me?

If you have an answer to any of these questions that is not awkward/embarrassing, please direct it to the comments section of this post.

thank you.


Megan Jacobsen said...

10. Hart building rule makers: why did you try to kick me out for wearing my huskies shorts?
BYU-I just wishes they were the huskies and were in seattle instead of the middle of nowhere. they also are jealous of the super cool mascot and school colors.

9. Boys: why do you always look at me with such disgust when I walk into your domain of the "real" weight room. You do this most when I am not accompanied by a male escort.
its because the boys are intimidated by you. duh!

8. Mommies: why do you bring your little babies with you to the gym? I feel awful for those poor little babies in their little carriers crying their lungs out (probably because of the smell/noise/sights combination). It makes me sad.
its because we want our babies to get used to the gym so they have healthy exercise habits.

7. Friends who I don't know that well: why do you always say hello and stop me to make small talk when I'm leaving the gym and covered in sweat?
its because we love you!

6. Stupid boys: why do you always try to talk to me in the most unimaginative way possible? For example, the boy (neanderthal) who goes, "dude. you're really strong. how did you get that strong? you should teach me to be stronger." me: perplexed look on face... Please refer to number 5.
its because he is secretly in love with you and just wants to strike up conversation. you are probably his gym girl

5. Did you miss the memo that iPod in means close your mouth and pretend that I'm not there?

4. Everyone: why do you talk to me when I'm on the elliptical? I mean really, can't you see that I can hardly breathe as it is?!?
its because... this one is hard. its because we all worship you and must talk to you whenever possible.

3. Boys: why do you wear long white socks with your shorts? You think that we girls won't notice them if you scrunch them down real quick before you come in. Trust me, we notice.
boys have no sense of style. plus, they dont care.

2. Girls: why is it that you can't find a sports bra that fits you/controls your boobage? I mean, if I can find one that works, then you have absolutely no excuse. It's not attractive when you don't.
you mean my boobs flying around all over the place while i am running on the treadmill isnt sexy?!?!

1. Gym Boy: why don't you ever talk to me?
he is too intimidated by your beauty and weight lifting skills.

we need to go to the gym together. and i need to stop procrastinating homework by answering your questions. (which i loved, i think i have asked myself every one of these questions before)

Brittany said...

HAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA megan you are so funny!! You can come to the gym with me any day from m-f@ 5:15 or saturday @ 3. Please let me know your selected date :)

Courtney said...

This is my favorite post ever... well besides the health center story but this makes a close second here are my thoughts

10. I own a pair of the BYUI approved shorts and i can testify they are no longer or more special than any of the other shorts i own

9. probably because i went in there once and lift a bar, slammed it into my chest and i was stuck, the bar... with out weights ouch

8. I can promise none of your 4th cousins will be there until they are old enough to attend college

7. Totally happens to me too and i am like "please just smile wave and move on'

6. I loved this one however i have no witty explanation.

5. i saw alli once and i had to shout on the top of my lungs. i don't think she heard me she probably just saw me with my mouth open wide and my hands a waving/

4. I agree i go to the gym with friends but not for the purpose to talk and catch up.

3. I wore wool socks to the hart and had to go barefoot in my shoes because i refused to look like an idiot with wool sockies pulled up to my mid calf


1. I love you britt. he will talk to you and if he only knew you he would love you!! MUAH

I might just have to come work out with you at one of the times listed above,,, that is if it is an open invitation