The Haitians and I need your help!!!!!!

Hey to my three faithful readers! I am in an entrepreneurship skills class here on campus, and we've opted to start a business instead of do a research paper. Our business is called Candy Grams Inc. We're delivering candy grams around Rexburg. (for those of you who didn't have candy grams in middle school, its where you fill out a card and someone delivers it for ya.) All of the proceeds are going to the LDS Church Humanitarian fund specifically set up to help the Haitians. You can find our blog with all the information here.

I have a huge favor to ask everyone who reads this blog who has readers in Rexburg, or readers who have kids in Rexburg. If you could just write a little blip on your blog,and ask people to do likewise, that'd help me out a TON. Parents or friends from out of town can order online or over the phone and we'll deliver to the local person for free! It's a good deal and a great way to help out. (plus, my homemade cookies are involved...)

1 comment:

Courtney said...

on the blog and the facebook. Call me for the favor!!