fat camp.

As most of you know, I have spent the past two years working for Pinnacle. It was a hellish ordeal, but it paid for school and forced me to grow up. While I am grateful for the growing that happened while working there, the one thing that I can't seem to shake is my terrible eating habits. When I was on the road, I ate out like crazy. When I was home, I was usually so exhausted that I would grab the first thing in sight. If I was lucky enough to come home feeling like cooking something, I wanted it to be something "worthwhile"(translation: fattening).

After I got done selling, I moved home for a while. I fully intended to start eating healthy and exercising and crap, but then I got distracted working as a sampler at Costco. (did you know that you can have as MANY samples as you want there? True story.) I figured that being back in school would be a better time to get myself under control because I usually become a gym rat and blast cardio like you wouldn't believe.
Fast forward to January - school started. I wanted to die because I had SO MUCH homework. Instead of coming home and eating freshly torn lettuce leaves with carrots and plain baked chicken, I ate pizza and fried chicken and NEVER went to the gym. 

Jump ahead to today...there are two weeks left before I go home and I am still...ahem...shall we say large and in charge? So this morning, I decided that I'm not going to wait until I get home to start being healthy. I am starting right now. My poor little body has been through so much in the past couple of years and I think it's high time I give it some love. That being said, here are some goals that I have for the summer:

1. Two-mile run in under 16 minutes
2. 40 push-ups in 2 minutes
3. 75 sit-ups in 2 minutes
4. 5-month record of eating habits
5. Excercise every day
6. Have $10k in savings

It seems like a lot to undertake in just one summer, especially when you consider where I'm starting out at. (no, I cannot run an entire mile) It's daunting, but I know I can do it. I already asked both of my brothers and they are rallying with their support. (HOW did they end up with all of the good physical fitness, eat-whatever-I-want-and-still-look-amazing genes?) I believe that I can do it and I need all the support I can get so if you're in Washington this summer, hit me up for a run. 

Until then, peace out little homies :)

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