give yourself a break.

Something's been bothering me lately. So, in true Brittany fashion, I'm going to take an unnecessarily long amount of time and preach talk about it. 

Lately I've noticed a lot of my lady friends have been facebooking, pinning and blogging about how much they hate their bodies. I don't see my guy friends doing this, but that's probably because they're a) not on pinterest, or b) arrogant bastards really self confident. (I'm sorry, strikethrough and I are having a moment) 1


Here's my point.
When I see posts that look like this:

or this:

or this:2

or sound like this:

"I'm sick of being fat. I hate myself"

or, my personal favorite, this:

"I just really don't want to get fat"

It breaks my heart.3

To hear my beautiful, talented, thoughtful, caring, amazing friends put themselves down is really hard. To know that they feel marginalized by their weight or trapped in their own bodies is even harder. When I see posts like these, I just want to reach through the computer screen and give that girl a hug.4

Alright. It's time to get real. Most of you reading this are probably thinking, "Britt, I've seen you post stuff like that a hundred times" Many of you are also aware of the fact that I went to rehab for six weeks to get help with an eating disorder that I have struggled with for a very, very long time.5

It is because of those experiences that I'm taking the time to write this post.

I've seen where the path of endless dieting and grasping for self-control leads. As a matter of fact, I know that path all too well. It doesn't lead to happiness, and it certainly wont solve all any of your problems.

What will help you feel better about yourself? I've made a quick list.

1. Get a crappy notebook or even a piece of paper. Write down one thing that you love about yourself every day.
2. Do something nice for someone else. Nothing will make you feel as good, as fast as helping another human being.
3. Develop a better relationship with whatever God you believe in.
4. Start noticing and complimenting things about other people that aren't rooted in physical appearance
5. Find exercise that you love and do it because it feels good
6. Love yourself.

That last one is the one that takes the longest.
 If you can master it, the benefits will pay out for the rest of your life.

I guess that's my message.
Love yourself.
Love your fellow men.
Love your life.

The rest really will fall into place. 

1 Also footnotes.
2 The person who wrote this has OBVIOUSLY never had bacon. or pie. or cake.
3 Before you freak out, I am admitting that I've re-pinned or said all of these things.
4 Does that sound creepy? I think it's creepy.
5 Alright, fine. Most of you didn't know that. See how I snuck that in there?


Ali W. said...

hahaha I love your "life lessons." I've said these kinds of things too. You probably read the "I don't want to get fat" one on my blog! haha. With the Fb/blog/Pinterest worlds it's so hard to not feel inadequate. Anyways- I love this and totally agree! Love your posts. You need to write them more.

Adrian said...

Brilliant. Very well said.

Adrian said...

Dangit I was logged into the wrong account! still, brilliant and well said! <3