
I swear to all heaven that I have been sick more this semester than I have in the last five years combined. I currently have a cough/sinus infection. Nothing really makes it go away, though Sudafed does wonders to take the edge off. However, today all of that changed in my chemistry lab. We were working with 12 M HCL. For those of you who aren't chemistry majors, let me explain a tinsy bit. Hydrocloric Acid is one of the strongest acids that we know of. Up until this point, the strongest concentration of it that I have worked with in this class was 1.0 M. HCl, even at this concentration is still strong enough to take the enamel right off your teeth. Multiply that strength by 12, and you have the potent stuff we had out today.

One of the rules when you're working with this stuff is that you can't breathe in the fumes that are created when you mix it with...well...anything. It's highly potent and can do some damage if you're not careful. make a long (and potentially boring for those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about) story short, I inhaled a tiny bit of it, and BAM. My sinuses were instantly clear. My lungs were burning a little bit, but my professor said that I'm not going to die from it. Unfortunately, it was not able to erradicate what ever virus or bacterial infection has taken up residence in my body, but hey, i'll take what I can get :)

On another, slightly less exciting note, I have an update on the gym boy. (hah I WISH) My roommate Rachel came with me to the gym today so that she could see him. (you don't have to tell me how weird that is, she just wanted to see if she knew him or not...she knows everyone) So she came with me, and we did not see him. Sad story. Hopefully at somepoint I'll have a real gym boy experience to blog about, but until that time (that will not happen anytime in the forseeable future) you'll just have do make do with my lame stories. Until then....


Megan Jacobsen said...

oh, i love the gym boy part! its the best! i will put up with your "lame" stories until something happens!

Brittany said...

that's going to be a LONG time waiting for a story...I hope you're patient! HAHA.