
I have a request of all of my readers. (when I say all, I mean the four random people who actually read this know who you are :) For those of you who don't know, I'm planning on staying in Rexburg for this summer. The problem is that Rexburg is so tiny and it becomes difficult to find a job that one can sustain their life on, while saving money for school. I prayed long and hard about it, and I know that it's what I'm supposed to do. I turned in a resume to the plasma center in February and talked with their manager..He basically told me that they weren't going to be hiring until April, but that he'd keep me in mind. I didn't really want to get my hopes up, so I still looked around. Last week, I got a call from someone over there asking me to come in for an interview. I was so excited because I felt like my prayers were being answered and that things were going to work out. The interview went really well, but I know that there are a TON of applicants there. My boss, John made a call over there to put in a good word for me, which I really appreciated, but now I'm freaking out because I don't know if it's enough, or even if I'm enough. They told us that they'd call on Monday or Tuesday to let the "winner" know that they got the job, and that they wouldn't be calling anyone else. So here's where my request comes in. I am begging for prayers in my behalf. I'm at the point where I've done all that I can do, and I need the Lord to help me with the rest. If it's not right, it won't happen, but right now I'm really, really hoping that it is.

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