My Appologies...

It has been far too long since I posted last! I'm going to try to put pictures of some of my adventures from this summer on may be long, but hopefully bearable:) At the beginning of the summer, my friend Sara had a birthday. We all went up to our friend's cabin in Island park and had a party. The next day, we drove up to yellowstone to see the buffalo.

This is me, bobby and rach in front of a sweet lake. Please disregard the fact that I look busted up because we stayed up til four in the morning. When I got up, I failed to think about the fact that yellowstone = five million and a half pictures to be taken. I learned my lesson though :)

When you stick seven people in a six passenger vehicle for six hours, funny things start to happen. Everyone get's really cranky, and people start coming up with really weird ideas to pass the time. BJ and Sara decided to take engagement pictures. This is one of them.

Yellowstone was absolutely gorgeous. There was so much to look at and see, and we took a ton of really cute pictures. I'm not entirely sure what was going on in this picture, but I like it.

This picture is from when we left for Island park after we had all gotten all ready together.

Our friend Justin can make an awesome pregnant belly. I rubbed it for the picture. We are expecting a girl.

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