August brought a whole new slew of problems with it. We finally all got licensced to sell in North Carolina but it was hard becuase 5 million other companies had been through the area already. See, we are only allowed to sell people who own their homes with good credit. In one of the worst housing markets in the country, those people are few and far between. So one day, I walked into correlation in the morning (late as usual) and Robert told everyone that we were moving to Austin, TX the next morning. Not a joke. But we all thought that anything would be better than selling in Greensboro, so we packed everything up all over again and made the 22 hour drive. (driving time counter: 59 hours)
We got to Austin and our new apartments were seriously so amazing. I figured that since they were so nice, perhaps this new area would be good too. FALSE. I think that it may or may not have been worse than Greensboro. Anyhow, we ended up making these huge long drives down to various parts of south Texas every day. At one point, we were driving 2.5 hours to this place called Victoria every single day. (for those of you who suck at math, that's five hours a day) And some of the time, we had six people in a five passenger vehicle. Guess who got to ride in the hatch because she was the smallest? Me. (I secretly loved it because I could sleep) Anyways, Victoria proved to be a piiimp area because we all got tons of sales and we always went home happy. But we couldn't realistically be using a tank of gas every day just to find area, so we all knew a change was coming, we just didn't know when.
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