
So this is an update on my life for today...I am going to tell my stories through pictures. The picture above is from my family home evening a couple of weeks ago. We did a cooking show where Jaeda and I taught them how to make some really cool stuff. We prepared things in little bowls just like they do on TV. It was so adorable!

The next picture is from a girls night that Stephenie and I had. (I seem to be having more and more of those lately) anyways, we went to go see a movie, but then we ended up getting there SUPER early. So we went back to the roots of childhood and played skii ball. These are the tickets that I won...I know...pitiful right?

These are the tickets that Stephenie won. I think that if they had Olympic Skii Ball, she would definitely be on team USA. She kicked my butt and beat the high score of the old machine. My hero:

After that, we went to see Nights in Rodanthe. It was SUCH a good movie, albeit supremely sad. It may or may not have put us in a crying mood. When we were coming out, my sister Heidi called to talk, and she was at our old young womens leader's house. We for some random reason started BAWLING. Like huge, hysterical alligator tears. It was uuber embarrasing.

Other than that, I am doing really well. I taught gospel doctrine today. I could tell that the spirit was reaching out from the words that I had said and touched people's hearts. It was such a relief that the Lord saw fit to bless me with that gift again...I guess you could say that the past couple of times that I taught were a struggle.

I hope that my five faithful readers are doing well, and I'm sorry that it has been so long since my last post!


Anonymous said...

Nice blog! Keep going on! I will follow it. Best Wishes from Germany!
Grüße, Hanni

Brittany said...
