Riding the Fail Slide

A few months ago, I happened upon an image of the fail slide (see below). I have recently begun to include this phrase in my everyday vocabulary. For example, when Colby lost at his wii game, I told him to ride the fail slide. Sabrina dropped a plate of food, and I casually walked on by and snidely remarked that she should ride the fail slide. When Heidi tripped in the mud, I quickly told her that she too needed to jump on the fail slide. Up until this evening, I have found this phrase to be hilarious.

I got home from my surprise thanksgiving visit to the fam, only to be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of work that I have to finish before tomorrow morning. We are talking monumental amounts...huge...at least a full day of work. Well Brittany, why didn't you just get working on it? This is where the fail slide comes in. I am heavily weighing the option of dropping out of college. I can feel myself climbing up the steps of the fail slide. My feet are firmly planted on the top. SOMEONE PULL ME DOWN!!!

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