Finals Insanity...

During finals week, Stephenie and I decided to have a study party. We went to the grocery store and got enough food to live off of for a week, and holed up in my dining room. With plenty of caffeine and snacks, we made it through.

Our first assignment was to read, edit and grade people's final essays. Unfortunately, the ones that we read were absolutely terrible. I'm not talking about a few little mistakes here and there, errant thoughts running through. We are talking about NO thesis or correlated thoughts. Try reading 20 pages worth of that crap.
Not fun.

I was SO irritated that I had to read those papers. Biggest waste of my time.

After ten hours of studying, two GIANT monsters, getting ready for calculus and the ACS final, this is where I ended up: inches from a diabetic coma and unconscious. Beautiful.

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